Kinder Castle and COVID-19 March 17th, 2020

As Central Government progress with their advice to the public, we continue to operate in the way they ask us to.

Kinder Castle remains fully operational. Any parent who takes the decision to self-isolate with their children remains subject to paying full fees. We are a continuing business providing childcare to all our children with no changes to the operation.

We appreciate that we are going through unprecedented times and we have no certainty to the next few months. As we have previously stated should we be forced to close by Central Government at any moment we will notify you immediately. The period of time dictated will determine the measures we take in terms of fees and future operation.

The announcement on Monday gave very clear medical advice to us all in terms of handling this virus. We ask you ta take your own medical advice at all times informing us of any absences and the period of time. Should your child become unwell whist in our care our normal policy applies.

We are all facing many challenges and navigating our way through on a daily basis. We cannot offer any medical advice our role is simply to continue to care for and deliver an education to your children at all times.


Lucy Craig
Managing Director